Path from the parking lot to the church
How to Find Us
Trinity is located in Oakville, between Sheridan College and the QEW. Our church sits at the corner of McCraney St and Sewell Dr., just west of Trafalgar Rd. Parking is located behind the church off of Sewell. The route 19 bus stops on McCraney near the church, and the 5 and 24 both stop on Trafalgar just a short walk away. Enter by the double doors coming from the parking lot. The Administration building is also at the back of the church off of the parking lot.
What to Expect
On Sundays our service begins at 10 am and come dressed as you feel comfortable. Some people may be in suits or dresses, but many are casual. Members often mingle at the entrance, but you may be comfortable your first time going directly into the sanctuary to the left through the doors. If you would like, feel free to sign the guest book while you’re here. Normally there are not particular chairs reserved so you may sit where you like. When the offering is collected, do not feel obliged. Many members do not put an offering in the plate and choose to give through PAR (Pre Authorized Remittance, or direct deposit) or online giving. Our Music Director and Organist provides beautiful music to accompany the service.
Our facilities are all on one level and are therefore fully accessible. There is a Fellowship Hall, a kitchen, activity rooms, and washrooms available. We also have a nursery room with view of sanctuary where you may take antsy children to play.